Monday, June 1, 2009

When the Church Comes Together

I was reminded yesterday that when the Church comes together for a common cause great things happen. We hosted a block party at church yesterday in an opportunity to just love on our community. There was an excitement in the air. There was something different about the event that made people say "Wow! I had a great time!" But it wasn't the 544 people (even though that was great), it wasn't Stone Canyon Band (though they were awesome and I would recommend to anyone), it wasn't the food or the blow ups. I truly believe the excitement was due to something else, something bigger. I believe it was the 55+ people that gave anywhere from 1 to 4 hours of their Sunday afternoon volunteering to show the community that Jesus loves them. The body of Christ is most glorified when it is unified and Sunday afternoon WE WERE UNIFIED TO LOVE ON PEOPLE! There was excitement because we were living and serving and being a unified, missional-minded church. I loved watching church members invest in the lives of total strangers. I loved watching senior adults share life with 20something single mom's. I loved watching volunteers sweat, laugh, give, and serve. There were different ages, races, and sexes. What a beautiful picture of what heaven will be like one day! Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Aren't we supposed to love people and tell them that Christ loved them first? I loved Sunday! And to the church of Preston Oaks, Thanks for being the unified body of Christ that served people to show them that Jesus loves them! When the Church comes together; you better watch out! Jesus will show up in a BIG WAY! I pray that we never tire of it!


  1. well said pastor...i made a copy of this to keep.yes, i pray too that we never tire of it. im ready for the next similar act of love for others....lets roll!.....

  2. shawn, i pray that we never tire of it too. "when the church coms together" is well said. lets continue this love in action 4HIM !
